Follow me on my haphazard adventures in cooking, urban farming and being a working mom!



Hello and welcome to Adventures in Lizzie Land!

My name is Elizabeth aka “Miss Lizzie”. I’m a full time mom and I work full time outside of the home. I have a passion for traditional foods, healthy living, urban farming and life in general! As you can imagine, juggling a full time job and being a mom can be a little challenging … let alone throwing in all the aforementioned things. Being gone for a good portion of the day means that I have to do a lot of things in a very compressed amount of time. It has required some creative hacks and planning to overcome obstacles.

I created this site after much urging from friends and colleagues. It is a way for me to share some of my recipes, experiences and failures with everyone. Take what you want, leave what you want. This site is for anyone who has a busy life (I think that means pretty much everyone!)

You will find my posts to be honest and real. Sometimes the grammar might be incorrect, there might be typos and some of the pictures are probably going to be pretty crappy… because guess what… life isn’t perfect and neither am I. I ALSO DON’T HAVE A LOT OF TIME!

Please enjoy the blog and traipse along with me and my Adventures in Lizzie Land.

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